WhimSpire specializes in providing foster family care; WhimSpire concentrates its efforts to provide high quality foster care in its homes. Provision of care within families is in the best interest of most children who cannot be cared for by their own parents or kin. This is a valuable service provided to society by WhimSpire families. WhimSpire places children of all ages with a wide variety of needs. WhimSpire strives to match the needs of the child with the strengths and interests of the family care provider. WhimSpire staff and foster parents work together to provide the best quality care for children. Foster parents will have regular contacts with WhimSpire staff both by telephone and visits in their home. Foster parents have an assigned Foster Home Coordinator that is available for consultation, collaboration and encouragement by telephone and email. The Foster Home Coordinator will also visit the foster home at least twice monthly as well as be in attendance at meetings in the community. Emergency crisis service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.