What are the benefits of being a foster family with WhimSpire?
The most important benefit is making an important contribution to the welfare of a child. You will have the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping a child grow into responsible adulthood.
You will be working together with other colleagues and treated as a valued member of a service team. You will have the enjoyment of seeing young people grow and develop and you will learn to handle the frustrations of seeing them have difficulty growing and developing.
You will also receive modest compensation for your services. In addition, WhimSpire, unlike other Child Placement Agencies, offers training banks, respite banks, renewal bonuses as well as superior support.
How are foster families compensated?
You will be paid on a monthly basis for each youth in care. The amount can vary depending on the special needs of a particular child. The staff person working with you to complete your home study can share specific information with you about foster family rates currently being offered in your area.
What kind of support will WhimSpire provide as I carry out my services as a foster parent?
WhimSpire staff and foster parents work together to provide the best quality care for children. No one works in isolation. You will have regular contacts with WhimSpire staff both by telephone and visits in your home. Your assigned Foster Home Coordinator is available for consultation, collaboration and encouragement by telephone and email. They will also visit your home at least twice monthly as well as be in attendance at meetings in the community. Emergency crisis service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
What training can I expect to receive?
You will be expected to participate in monthly foster family support meetings so that you can share experiences and learn from other families caring for WhimSpire children. You are encouraged to participate in a variety of educational opportunites offered by WhimSpire and available in the community. All WhimSpire foster parents are required to complete 47 hours of education in their first year to help strengthen their services as WhimSpire foster parents. For ongoing years, the primary foster parent will need to complete 32 hours, and the support parent 25 hours. You will receive a modest training bank that you may use to purchase some of the educational services you require.